A lot of air in the lungs…
A good measure of imagination…
Here the some ingredients of this animation !
Daniel Adrian will do with some balloons twist a remake of the creation of the world, or will transform itself in a phantasmagoric hatter …
You will discover during this animation many original and unknown figures and the children will set off again with an unusual memory of your event.
This animation has also already been presented (with great success) for an adult audience. In this case extravagant hats will be created in harmony with the costumes, the make-up or according to the theme of the evening.
- Walk around or fixed animation - indoor and outdoor
- Simple sculptures (1 to 2 balloons) : around fifty sculptures an hour
- Complex sculptures (3 to 5 balloons - see photos) : between 20 and 30 sculptures an hour
Magician Daniel Adrian
1430 Bierghes
00 32 (0)2 582 48 61 - 00 32 (0)477 54 23 86